Monday, November 12, 2018

The Night Jesus Grabbed You!

Imagine the scene: Two demons are talking: It takes place moments after you were saved. I have written this especially for you Vida to show you who you are in Christ.: The CEO of Satan and chief strategist are in emergency session. It all concerns your salvation:



"When did this awful escape occur?"


"I just got word from the Dept. of Darkness (Eph 6:12) that light had exploded in Vida and she was instantly whisked away ..."

"But can we still grasp her, drag her back to the bitterness and shame and darkness of what happened?"

"Not a ghost of a chance! You see when that light makes contact the damage is already done: Vida literally left our area of jurisdiction at 4:18 pm. The only way to retrieve her now would be to declare war on heaven and remember how that turned out last time. No way!"

"So she is now in a totally new kingdom and under brand new jurisdiction? How could she have escaped us? I understood you had her under special radar and surveillance: You assured me she was doomed: Almost suicidal"

"Yes CEO!: Ever since we detected that she may be one of those chosen for this period we kept a keen eye on her. Poured pain and rejection and hurt of all sorts into her life. In the last few months however the calling on her life became more and more intense: It was like a pregnancy that had to come to the birth"

"Yes, yes .. but a heralder had to make contact some way with her for that seed birth to happen: You know as well as I do how the Father has ordained it to rub our noses in it" (Romans 10:17)

Look! there are at least 127 heralders in this area alone. Hard to keep all under surveillance day and night. Full of rivers of life and bursting with living Rhema words. We need special armour to even come near them! They don't rely on  any of our systems like TV or Radio. As far as we can gather it was a thin sliver of a young girl: She met Vida: Spoke for about 20 minutes about how God would leave the 99 and go in search of the last lost one! Told her of God's love for her etc.. ... and then she was gone: Simple as that"

"O.K, O.K. I get the message: No need for the sordid details. But what can we do now? Surely there's some retaliation plan: Some way of striking back?"

"We figure she will probably be here on earth for 38 more years:During that time she is under two headships: Headship of Adam lacking glory and prone to sin and the headship of Christ bursting with life and light and victory:We are going to work on feeding the Adam nature so the other is diminished"

"And will that help us get her back?"

"Do You not still get the picture: You will never get Vida back again: All we can do now is limit or neutralise her amazing effectivenes as a heralder:

"So we make her ineffective:Useless: Damaged and hurt?:  But how?"

"It is imperative first of all, I repeat imperative, she never comes to the full realisation of who she really is now: If she ever grasps her totally new identity in Christ then I fear for the whole area and generations of darkness could be destroyed. Even her family and those who hurt her could be lost to us; This girl is dangerous to the kingdom of darkness : Full of life!"

"What are you implying? We have had total control here for over 5700 years. Look around you: Fear and abuse and idolatry" is the new norm now"

"Listen to me and listen well: There is an intensity of light shining out from this woman I have never seen before. If she comes to know ..that the old Vida no longer lives but Christ lives in her ..and yields to Gods instructions then we are finished"

"Humbug! We have met this type of upstart before and neutralised them totally. Remember that Samson fool and how we destroyed him. You are my strategy officer: What steps do you propose to destroy this Vida woman?

"Of prime importance is to contact our F.O.G Dept"

"F.O.G? What is that?"

"International Groups using the name of Christian, having a Form Of Godliness ... but without any real power: In other words .."A fake form of Christianity. Has been mightily effective for 2000 years as a decoy"

"Are there branches of this F.O.G institution locally?"

"You are joking I presume. We have over 1470 in this country and several in this locality. I have already identified the one I will use"

"What's it called?"

"Oh God something over the door: Christ posters on the walls! Steeples and crosses and long boring speeches called sermons but none of this living flow of the spirit ..and of course death on the menu in the pulpit. F.O.G indeed where they come out of a service lower and more under legal bondage than when they went in "

"Wonderful work! But I hear from my sources that huge rivers of living waters are already gushing out from this Vida one! These rivers must be shut off immediately do you hear. Immediately. get her busy, busy, busy"

"We are at work but my agents have no protection against that Name she is using and the power of the blood and that armour of God she is wearing: (We are being destroyed) Three of my best agents blinded and already and one actually asking questions about Calvary and why Christ's powers are greater than Satan's"

"Don't even mention that Calvary Fiasco in my presence: Biggest mistake we ever made. We were humiliated and lost everything except the ability to deceive! Keep on deceiving!Get her to believe all the lies"

"Understood master but rest assured, once she becomes settled in one of our F.O.G institutions all that nonsense about pulling down strongholds will fade away and she will become like all the rest, ever learning but never realising"

"Fine! Shall we say 6 weeks to stop this rot or lasting damage can be done. You were going to say ...?"

"We also of course will be boosting her old Adamic Ego and self image: As the Christ moves in to crucify the flesh this should be easy pickings for us:You know "God is so unfair" type of thing: He just wants to punish you for being so bad in the past!: How could you trust him?" Ha Ha "

"Next 6 months is critical: Can you rob her of all power in that time.Can you get her back to the old way of thinking. Even get her married off to a wrong man, one of our own, so the cycle of hurt and abuse starts all over again:Plant cuckoo eggs of darkness in her mind and watch them hatch

"We have a long history of major successes but some notable fails too. Remember that guy Stephen who was facing a mob ready to lynch him: Then suddenly he seemed to step aside and saw a new reality and died almost destroying us with joy on his face and praying and forgiving his tormentors: Did untold damage to us"

"Yes I remember: We had it all set up so he would die angry and cursing all around but it backfired on us. He was the spark that brought thousands away from us, including that turn-coat Paul Never allow this girl forgive her past tormentors or see the glory ahead"

"Also Elisha's servant comes to mind whose eyes were opened to see the real army that surrounded him" (2 kings 6:8ff)

"Little we could do there as God just opened his eyes when Elisha prayed for him and the game was lost"

"Hope you have learned from these disasters: This must not happen here: Keep this Vida one focussed on how unfair and awful her life now is: How hard it is to be a christian: Tell her daily how unworthy she is:Keep her eyes wide shut!"

"Swamp her in meetings and verses and good works and more meetings for fear she would ever learn that "it no longer is herself but Christ who is doing the living" If that realisation breaks thro' we could be seeing the great darkness of generations undone.

"Put a stop to this 1-2-1 WIFI or whatever she has with heaven. Replace it with F.O.G bible studies and theses and discussions about predestination and which FOG organisation is right"

"Good idea! That 1-2-1 is the powerhouse so we will shut it tight. That's the powerhouse. distract her from talking to Him daily or moment by moment. Tell her thats only for Sunday or in church"

"That  KIC programme is excellent: (i.e. keep it complicated.) Our trained men will soon have her discussing theology and -isms and dates and philosophy with just a few cliched words of prayer at the end"

"O.K All sounds good: Any final words"

"Blind her! Blind her!Get her offended at some Person or Pastor:  Never let her see who he really is in Christ. Keep her trying to be good perfect the old nature: And stop any Elisha type praying for her or her eyes could be opened in spite of us.

"Hope it works

"You hope? It has to work or this Vida girl alone could destroy us and see millions escape the prison houses of irreverence, abuse, addictions and murder. Stop her "


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